Return and Refund Policy
Each item is hand checked by a member of Paragon Pieces to ensure you get the best. But sometimes during shipment/processing, the item(s) get damaged.
- If you discover a fault with the item(s), please take a photo of the defect and contact us at within 3 days of receiving. Please note that if after 3 days have passed, we will no longer accept returns or exchanges.
- We will only accept exchanges and offer refunds if there is a defect in the quality of goods or if you have received the wrong item(s).
If the defect is due to mishandling on the part of the buyer, Paragon will not accept a return, exchange, or refund for the item. The prohibition only covers imperfect, defected, or damaged goods.
Paragon Pieces has the right to decline returning or refunding.
Please note that customers are responsible for the fees involved for returning items, unless stated otherwise.